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Chocolate Avocado Mouse

Super Healthy Chocolate Avocado Mousse

Why Dr. Hoody endorses this recipe:

Besides tasting decadent, smooth and creamy, Chocolate Avocado Mousse has amazing properties. Dark chocolate increases your serotonin resulting in a calming effect. It contains a small amount of phenylethylamine, which acts like an amphetamine and stimulates your cells to release dopamine. Dopamine plays a role in how we feel pleasure. You release dopamine when you eat chocolate and even when you think about eating chocolate. This response lasts as long as you eat or think about it! Perfect for romantic evenings.

Meanwhile, avocados can decrease obesity, help balance diabetes and even decrease heart disease risks. Avocados contain ingredients that promote healthy complexion and can increase energy levels. Its natural plant sterols contain healthy cholesterol.  The fats in an avocado are mainly unsaturated and can decrease macular degeneration in the eyes.


Why Dr. Hoody endorses this recipe:

Almonds deliver a massive amount of nutrients. 6 g of protein, 3.5 g of fiber, 14 g of fat, but nine of those are mono unsaturated. They also contain vitamin E, manganese and magnesium and a decent amount of copper, riboflavin and phosphorus. Furthermore almonds are loaded with antioxidants and can assist with blood sugar control, which makes them a perfect choice for people with diabetes. Almonds can also help control blood pressure and can lower cholesterol levels. And for weight loss, eating almonds reduces hunger, lowering a person’s overall calorie intake.


Why Dr. Hoody endorses this recipe:

 Sauerkraut is a special food that stems from its added benefits during fermentation. The Fermentation process gives it probiotic factors which can also boost the immune system. One serving has 16 cal, 1 g of protein, 3 g of carbohydrate, 0 g of fat and 2 g of fiber. It contains vitamin C, K, B6, iron, manganese, folate, copper and potassium.  Sauerkraut can help with weight loss due to its high fiber and low calories. Somehow sauerkraut has been known to reduce the fat around the belly. Sauerkraut has also been found to improve memory and decrease stress by increasing the absorption of mood regulating minerals including magnesium and zinc. It can also decrease cancer risk and increased heart health.


Why Dr. Hoody endorses this recipe:

Cobb salad is one of my favorites. An ideal diet should contain a large amount of vegetables and also a good amount of healthy, natural protein. That’s Cobb salad! 

Greens, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, and lots of them, supply ample servings of vegetables for your daily needs. Then mix in your favorite proteins like feta cheese, avocado, chicken or turkey breast, and even a small amount of bacon to make it really tasty. And last, Garnish with your favorite spices and dress with olive oil, lemon and/ or vinegar.


Why Dr. Hoody endorses this dish:

Salmon is simply one of the better fish we have available. It is rich in omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, It is a great source of protein. It contains the antioxidant astaxanthin and can help reduce the risk of heart disease and can benefit weight control. 

Salmon is high in B vitamins, as well as potassium and selenium. Eating salmon two times per week is sufficient to reap its benefits.